Understanding each row is very important
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| Stateless | Stateful | Entity |
Pool Creation (pool of beans is always non-dedicated beans) | Yes 1.call setSessionContext(<..>), Followed by ejbCreate(). If pooling is supported every bean must be taken from pool | No | Yes 1.call setEntityContext(<..>) *does not call ejbCreate(<..>) because parameterized create invocation makes a bean dedicated If pooling is supported every bean must be taken from pool for even getting dedicated bean .. if not passivate some other bean |
Dedicated Beans? | No
as session beans don’t need dedicated bean | Yes
______________________ Methods on dedicated : 1.all service methods 2.ejbPassivate();(container calls, not client) | Yes 1. picks one bean from pool ,invokes ejbCreate(<..>) , Makes bean dedicated Or 2.There is no free bean in pool , so , passivate an inactive dedicated bean , reset and reinitialize for the present client. ______________________ Methods on dedicated : 1.all service methods 2.ejbStore() and ejbPassivate(();(container calls ,not client) |
Methods on dedicated : None | |||
Non- Dedicated beans | Yes 1.picks one bean from pool ,invokes service method sends back to pool * as session beans don’t need dedicated bean **Methods on Non-dedicated : all service methods SentBack to Pool ? Yes | No .. For a small period of time, a non-dedicated bean exists .. Some passive bean was passivated ,becomes non dedicated but immediately becomes dedicated by swapping a client specific data from persistent storage Into bean ** there is a diff between entity bean persistence and stateful bean persistence.. Swapping means cut and paste , cut from persistent storage And paste it to your stateful bean .. So when remove() is called on stateful , bean ,bean instance is destroyed, session data is lost.., (cant be retrieved again) | Yes 1.picks one bean from pool ,invokes finder /home service/ejbRemove method sends back to pool *Home service method is a special method which operates on entire table of DB rather than specific row.. If it executes ejbCreate(<..>) bean become dedicated SentBack to Pool ? Yes and No **Methods on Non-dedicated which send bean back to pool : 1.finder methods 2.Home Service method,ejbHome..(..) 3.ejbRemove() **Methods on Non-dedicated which don’t send bean back to pool : 1.ejbCreate(<..>) |
ejbStore() | NA | NA | 1.to synchronize data b/w bean and DB or 2.called before passivation Called on : Dedicated |
ejbLoad() | NA | NA | 1.to synchronize data b/w bean and DB or 2.after activation : In this case , the bean is for a brief period in non-dedicated state so use ctx.getPrimaryKey(); |
ejbRemove() | Destroys bean Object is GCed as container nullifies the reference to bean **can be Called by container to reduce pool size Or when client calls remove() on home or EJBObjects, The container may/may not call ejbRemove(); as it may be pooled for reusing | Bean will be destroyed so session data is destroyed *client can call remove() on home or EJBObjects To logout his session Strictly speaking container has to call ejbRemove() in this case, but due to container crashes ,may not be called Or *container may call when session expires | ** takes a non-dedicated beansideNotes1 from Pool , Removes DB record Goes back to pool *only client can call remove() on home or EJBObjects ** as a non-dedicated bean services this, use ctx.getPrimaryKey(); |
ejbPostCreate(<..>) | NA | NA | Called after ejbCreate(<..>) |
ejbPassivate() | NA | close resources ** don’t write persistence logic here Container may use java serialization to persist | close resources ** Don’t write persistence logic here Use ejbStore() ejbStore() call precedes ejbPassivate() |
ejbActivate() | NA | open resources ** don’t write persistence logic here Container may use java serialization to persist | open resources ** Don’t write persistence logic here Use ejbLoad() ejbActivate() precedes ejbLoad(); |
Finder methods | NA | NA | Go-back bean from pool taken ,returns single PK/Collection of PKs, goes back to pool *Container constructs new dedicated beans(takes beans from pool) ,associates them EJBObjects, Sends back Collection of EJBObject references /single EJBObject references *Please don’t initialize bean’s state in finder method.., Finder method should not make a bean dedicated |
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